welcome to my website
I hope you like it here

I’m a Cape Town based embroidery artist, known by some as Fiancé Knowles.

i hope you like it here
Cape Town workshops incoming
Sew Far Sew Good is a space for my fellow thread creeps. Here I will share my online class, kits and how you can start your own stitching journey. I’ll also provide updates on upcoming workshops that will teach you the skills that would almost guarantee a life of riches if you somehow found a time machine that could transport you back to the 16th century tapestry renaissance, or give you something artistic to do when you’re not at your day job. Either way, you’ll have a blast.

of my favourite finds!
There are a squillion kits available out there so I decided to create something special and unique. Something limited and curated. The Amazon opposite. Every piece in this kit has helped my process or captured my eye. A lot of these items have their own stories and background. These are products I love and that I am passionate about sharing.