My contribution to the annual Sappi calendar 2018

Cape Town, SA
I was invited to contribute to the annual Sappi calendar for 2018 through a South African agency. The theme for the calendar was innovation and ‘oneness’. To me, this speaks of a connection with nature.
I embroidered this portrait from a black and white photograph of one of my favourite humans. Working off the monochrome photo allows the image to inspire the colour palette. The thread of the flowers crosses into the portrait and blends, showing that we are all connected through the growth of nature.
The calendar had gold details on some of these connecting threads.
I called this piece Kallyno. This is Greek for beauty; To sweep clean. It is where the name for the flower Calluna comes from, commonly known as Heather. Symbolizing admiration and good luck, Heather is also believed to have protective powers.