I could carry on stitching these glass orbs of nostalgia forever.
I stumbled on a massive collection of marbles at a store in Cape Town and bought them to gift @lorraineloots who has been painting them as a part of a big miniature series. I was overwhelmed with the memories that flooded back. Lorraine being the incredibly kind person she is let me jump on her bandwagon and try my mitts at making marble art too, giving me much needed cheerleading and feedback.
I took on the challenge of sewing something completely out of my comfort zone and stitched these marbles between jobs, projects and that life thing. I never thought I’d finish it so I have that sunny glow that comes with deciding that it’s done. I nearly lost them, but here they are, my marbles!
I’m very happy to finally share this piece complete done, my initial Procreate doodle and the collection of ironies, oilies, ninja turtles, toothpastes, galaxies and so on!